Category: Learn

1. W3Schools – “SQL Tutorial”


W3Schools claims to be the largest web developer site on the Internet. It provides various tutorials and references on web development languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, and JQuery, covering most aspects of web programming.


sql w3school


2. Codecademy – “Learn SQL”


Codecademy is an online platform that offers a wide range of free coding courses in programming languages like HTML, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, Python, and Ruby. In addition to these courses, Codecademy’s students can learn how to manage data with SQL.


 codecademy sql course 1 start page










4. Khan Academy – “Intro to SQL”


Khan Academy provides its users with micro-lectures in the form of YouTube videos, lots of practice exercises, and a personalized learning dashboard. Combined, these tools empower learners to study at their own pace inside and outside of the classroom.


khan academy 1 sql course intro page


5. SQLZoo


SQLZoo is a nice free and interactive SQL tutorial developed and maintained by Edinburgh Napier University.


 sqlzoo 1 sql tutorial main page


6. Tutorials Point – “Learn SQL”


Tutorials Point claims to be the web’s largest library of tutorials. Indeed, it offers dozens of online courses in computer engineering, information technology, programming languages, and management.


tutorialspoint 1 learn sql main page


7. Udacity – “Intro to Relational Databases”


Udacity offers interactive online courses aimed at advancing academic and vocational skills. Although Udacity is profit-oriented, some courses are available for free.


 udacity intro to relational databases course 1


8. SQL Problems and Solutions


SQL Problems and Solutions is an interactive textbook which lets you visualize tables and execute queries against a sample database. The tutorial explains the basic concepts and constructs of SQL and provides examples at various levels of expertise.


sql problems and solutions 1 main page


9. Tuts+ – “SQL for Beginners”


Tuts+ offers video courses and written tutorials that teach a wide range of creative and technical skills, including coding. Unlike video courses, all tutorials and articles are completely free. Based around specific projects, they include step-by-step written instructions and screenshots to help you practice and master your skills.


tutsplus sql for beginners 1


10. Essential SQL


Essential SQL, authored by Kris Wenzel (@sqlkris), is a great place to learn the fundamentals of SQL and database concepts. The course is based on Microsoft SQL Server, which is why the author provides newbie users with a guide on how to get started using this database engine.